Where you have a vehicle to part exchange, the estimated valuation of your vehicle is based on the information you have provided. It is not an offer to purchase your vehicle. The estimated valuation may change and the condition of your vehicle will be inspected by the purchaser. You should ensure that you have taken into account any other costs connected with the disposal of your current vehicle before committing to a deposit for any new vehicle under a finance agreement.
Quote valid for a maximum of 14 days from 08/08/23. A discount may be included which is the difference between the Manufacturer’s Recommended Retail Price and the Vauxhall Store Price included above. This quote is for illustrative purposes only and may be withdrawn or amended without notice.
Personal Contract Purchase over 24-49 months. Terms and conditions apply. Finance subject to status. A guarantee may be required. Over 18s only. Excess mileage and damage charges may apply. Finance provided by and written quotations available from Stellantis Financial Services UK Ltd, RH1 1QA.